Convenience Stores

A photo feature by Tadayoshi Nakamura

#001-000069.005 / 7 Eleven
#001-000069.002 / Vending Machine
#001-000069.004 / AM/PM
#001-000069.001 / Inside a FamilyMart
#001-000069.020 / Newdays
#001-000069.019 / Newdays
#001-000069.012 / FamilyMart
#001-000069.015 / Lawson
#001-000069.016 / Lawson
#001-000069.017 / Sunkus
#001-000069.009 / Newdays Mini
#001-000069.014 / AM/PM
#001-000069.013 / FamilyMart
#001-000069.018 / Newdays
#001-000069.021 / Lawson
#001-000069.023 / Hot Spar Convenience Store

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