Information and warning signs in Japan

A photo feature by Tadayoshi Nakamura

#001-000327.033 / Information and warning signs
#001-000327.002 / Car number information
#001-000327.018 / Accident prevention
#001-000327.009 / Look Before Crossing
#001-000327.044 /
#001-000327.019 / Parking forbidden
#001-000327.032 / Priority seat
#001-000327.046 / Drug prevention
#001-000327.042 / Noise and pollution fighting
#001-000327.039 / Safety sign
#001-000327.035 / Please restrict mobile phone usage
#001-000327.049 / Escalator safety sign
#001-000327.048 / Sexual harassment
#001-000327.022 / Dog poo prevention
#001-000327.031 / Dog pollution prevention sign
#001-000327.038 / Stop and look around before crossing
#001-000327.024 / Accident prevention
#001-000327.027 / Dog poo prevention

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