Legal notice
Legal information on and photographer Tadayoshi Nakamura
Tadayoshi Nakamura
Tadayoshi Nakamura is photographer's pseudonym of Jean-Philippe Dain.
Company information
- Company Name: Jean-Philippe Dain
- Company French legal status: auto-entrepreneur/self-employed
- Commercial brandname:
- Publication manager: Jean-Philippe Dain
- French Company Register number (SIRET): 829 014 299 00012
- Head office: Jean-Philppe Dain - 36 rue Carnot - 94270 - Le Kremlin BicĂȘtre - France.
- Hosting: / So You Start / 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.
- Sales terms: please click here
Legal distributors
French photo agency SIPA PRESS is allowed to sale Jean-Philippe Dain photo licenses ; however you will find more photographs on
If your company is interested in reselling licenses, do not hesitate to contact me.
About photographer
Copyright information
All images, photographs articles and logos shown on this website are the exclusive property of Tadayoshi Nakamura (TN) or their respective authors mentioned. Photographs, images, articles and logos are not part of public domain. They are protected by French and international copyright laws. Any use of part or all of any of these photographs, images and articles without explicit written permission of their respective authors may conduct to prosecution by the photographer, legal photographer agents and legal photographer's representative & distributor Sipa Press.
Sharing policy
Link sharing and image sharing are allowed within the following conditions:
(1) Sharing content must contain hyperlink to this page or website
(2) Shared image(s) must include the "TN" watermark
(3) Images must be watermarked TN images delivered by website (Official Images For Sharing, OIFS) or photographer
(4) Sharing is only allowed for non-profit, social networking and information concerning TN photographs or website
(5) URL, logos and watermarks must not be removed